MUTA XXI Conference at Madurai - Seminar on 06-10-2012 - Period of Participation - Treating as On Duty - Orders issued
Proceedings of the Director of Collegiate Education
I.Dis.No.40611/G3/2012 dated 10.2012
Sub: Collegiate Education-Seminar on “Neo liberal Higher Education-Negation of People’s Rights” organized by MUTA-College teachers Period of participation-treating as on Other Duty-Orders issue-regarding.
Ref: President Letter dated.17.08.2012 from President MUTA.
The President, MUTA, Tamilnadu in his letter cited, has stated that the MUTA is organizing its 21st Conference on 6th & 7th October 2012 at Madurai and as a part of the conference, a Seminar on Neoliberal Higher Education-Negation of People’s Rights” is being organized on the 06.10.2012 and that Vice Chancellors, leading academicians and more than 1000 colleges and universities teachers of MUTA are expected to participate in the seminar. Hence he has requested the absence of the Teacher participants in the seminar from their Head Quarters may be treated as on “Other Duty”.
The request of the General Secretary, MUTA has been considered. The Director of Collegiate Education accords permission to the Regional Joint Directors of Collegiate Education, the Principals of Government Colleges and the Secretaries of the Government Aided Colleges concerned to treat the period of participation of the Teachers concerned in the Seminar as on “Other Duty” subject to the following conditions.
1) The absence on 6th October will be treated as on Other Duty on production of Certificate of Participation.
2) No TA, DA will be allowed in this regard.
3) No expenditure will be incurred from the State Funds.
Director of Collegiate Education
1. The Joint directors of all regions
2. The Principals of all Government Colleges
Copy to
The President
N.M.Christian College
Marthandam 629 165