UGC issued notification extending the date for participation in Orientation/Refresher courses upto 31.12.13 for the purpose of CAS
The demand of AIFUCTO for extending the date of participation in Orientation/Refresher courses in respect of eligible Teachers/Assistant Registrar/Assistant University Librarian/College Librarian/Deputy Librarian/Assistant Director of Physical Education/College Director of Physical Education for placement/promotion under Career Advancement Scheme was considered by the University Grants Commission.
The UGC has decided that the date for participation in Orientation/Refresher Courses in respect of aforementioned post/cadres stands extended upto 31-12-2013 for the purpose of Career Advancement Scheme. The same has been informed to the Education Secretaries of all State Governments and the Registrars of all Universities for immediate action through the Deputy Secretrary of UGC’s letter No.1-2/2009(EC/PS) Pt.VIII dated 07-12-2012.