DCE Proceedings - Participation in Orientation/Refresher courses for the purpose of placement under Career Advancement Scheme-Extension of date upto 31.12.2013
Dr. (Tmt).T.Senthamizh Selvi M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.
Director of Collegiate Education
Chennai 600 006
The Joint directors of Collegiate Education of all Regions
The Principals of all Government Colleges
Rc.No.195/J1/2013 Dated: 01.02.2013
Sub: Collegiate Education – Participation in Orientation/Refresher courses for the purpose of placement under Career Advancement Scheme – Resolution on the extension of date upto 31.12.2013 by the UGC - communicated
Ref: 1) Letter No.1-2/2009(EC/PS) Pt.VIII dated 07.12.2012 from the University Grants Commission, New Delhi
2) Governmet letter No.22468/H1/2012-1 Dated 05.01.2013
I enclose the copy of the letter from the UGC received with the ref.2nd cited for information and necessary further action. It has been stated in the letter, the UGC resolved to extend the date for participation in Orientation/Refresher courses in respect of Teachers/Assistant Registrars/Assistant Librarian/College Librarian/Assistant Directors of Physical Education/College Director of Physical Education upto 31st December 2013 for the purpose of Career Advancement.
I request the Principals of all Government Colleges to circulate UGC’s letter among the teaching staff working in their respective colleges duly obtaining their signature for having see the same. I also request the Regional Joint Directors of Collegiate Education to communicate the copy of UGC’s letter to the Secretaries/Principals of all Aided Colleges in their regions requesting them to circulate the copy of the letter among the teaching staff in the respective Government Aided Colleges.
I request you to acknowledge the receipt of this letter without fail by return of post.
Director of Collegiate Education
Copy to C, D, F and G Sections in the Directorate.