AIFUCTO XXVII Statutory Conference at Mangalore –Period of participation treated as on other duty –Orders issued
Proceedings of the Director of Collegiate Education, Chennai-6
L.Dis.No.59876/G3/2013 dated 11-11-2013
Ref: Letter dated 25-10-2013 from the General Secretary AUT Convenor, JAC
The General Secretary, AUT and Convenor, JAC has informed in his letter and College Teacher’s Organisation (AIFUCTO) is holding XXVII statutory conference and national seminar on “CHANGING PARADIGMS OF HIGHER EDUCATION –XII FIVE YEAR PLAN INITIATIVES” during 30th November, 1st and 2nd Demcember 2013 at Mangalore, Karnataka and the members of AUT, TNGCTA and MUTA which are affiliates of AIFUCTO will be participating in the conference and therefore requested to grant “OTHER DUTY” to teachers who attend the conference.
Considering the above request, the Director of Collegiate education accords permission to The Regional Joint Directors, Principals of all Government Colleges and the Secretaries of the Aided Colleges to treat the period of participation along with the journey time as “other duty” in respect of the teachers who participate in the conference subject to the following conditions.
The period of absence will be treated as “OTHER DUTY” on production of certificate of participation.
No TA/DA will be allowed in this regard.
No expenditure will be incurred from the State Funds.
Director of Collegiate Education
The Joint Directors of Collegiate Education of all regions
The Principals of all Government Arts and Science colleges and colleges of Education
The Secretaries/Principals of all Government Aided Colleges
General Secretay, AUT Convener,JAC