திருநெல்வேலியில் நடைபெற உள்ள மூட்டா இருபத்திரண்டாவது மாநாடு - பங்கேற்பவர்களுக்கு மாற்றுப்பணி வழங்க ஆணை - கல்லூரிக்கல்வி இயக்குநர் அவர்களின் செயல்முறைகள்
Proceedings of the Director of Collegiate Education (F.A.C.), Chennai -6
L.Dis.No.26220/G3/2014 Dated: 08.09.2014
PRESENT: Dr.M.Devadass, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., F.Pb.S.
Sub: Collegiate Education — MUTA XXII General Conference — Seminar on "Towards Inclusive, Equitable, secular & Quality Higher Education" —College Teachers period of participation — treating as on Other Duty —orders issued regarding.
Ref: Letter dated 14.07.2014 from the General Secretary, MUTA.
The General Secretary, MUTA, Tamil Nadu, in his letter cited, organizing its XXIInd General Conference on 27.09.2014 at Tirunelveli and as part of a conference a seminar on "Towards Inclusive Equitable, Secular & Quality Higher Education" is organized and that Eminent Academicians, Vice Chancellors, Government officials and about 500 teacher delegates from colleges of Tamil Nadu are expected to participate in the seminar. Hence he has requested to grant "OTHER DUTY" for teachers attending the seminar on 27.09.2014.
The request of the General Secretary, MUTA, has been considered. The Director of Collegiate Education accords permission to the Regional Joint Directors of Collegiate Education, the Principals of all Government Colleges and the Secretaries of the Government Aided Colleges concerned to treat the period of participation of the Teachers concerned in the seminar as on "Other Duty" subject to the following -conditions.
1. The absence of 27.09.2014 will be treated as on other Duty on production of certificate of participation.
2. No TA/DA will be allowed in this regard.
3. No Expenditure will be incurred from the state funds.
Director of Collegiate Education (F.A.C)
1. The Joint Directors of all regions.
2. The Principals of all Government Arts and Science Colleges and colleges of Education.
3. The secretaries / Principals of all Government Aided Colleges.
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