Student Union Election - Ensure that the orders of the Hon'ble Supreme Court are implemented in university and affiliated colleges and compliance be sent to the UGC latest by 18th September, 2015
D.O. No.F.1 -11 12007 (CPP-II) 19th August,2015
Dear Sir/Madam,
Please refer to UGC's letters of even number dated 17th August, 2oo7, 15th November, 2oo7 and 5th September, 2014 regarding implementation of the recommendations of Lyngdoh Committee on issues relating to student bodies and student union election conducted in universities, colleges and other institutions of higher education across India pursuant to the orders of the Hon'ble Supreme Court dated 22nd September, 2006. Copies of these letters along with the recommendations of Lyngdoh Committee are available on UGC website (www.
I once again request you to please ensure that the orders of the Hon'ble Supreme Court are implemented in your esteemed university and affiliated colleges and compliance be sent to the UGC on email i.e. latest by 18th September, 2015 for onward transmission to the Ministry of Human Resource Development. In the event of non-availability of students'union, the same may also be informed.
With kind regards,
Yours sincerely
(Jaspal S.Sandhu )
The Vice-Chancellor of all the Universities as per list attached.
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