Award of Career Advancement to the teachers (AGP Rs.6000 to Rs.7000) who have entered into Government service without M.Phil / Ph.D but obtained their degrees in service - clarifications issued - Proceedings of the Director of Collegiate Education issued
From To
Dr. (Tmt). J. Manjula., M.Sc, B.Ed., MPhil, PhD. 1. Regional Joint Directors of Collegiate
Director of Collegiate Education Education All Regions
Chennai 600 006 2. Principals of All Government Colleges
Rc.No.1321 /J1 /2012 Dated 10.10.2017
Sir / Madam
Sub: Collegiate Education — implementation of Revised UGC scales of pay and Career Advancement Schemes — Award of CAS for M.Phil / Ph.D holders — clarifications issued —Reg.
Ref: 1. G.O. Ms. No, 111, Higher Education Department, Dated 24.03.1999,
2. This office proceedings Rc.No.1321/J1/2012 Dated 11,12.2012
3. G.O. Ms. No. 350, Higher Education Department, Dated 00 09.2009.
4. UGC D.0 letter No.F.12-1/2010-(PS) Dated 17.08.2015
I am to state that the Government in the G.O 1st and 3rd read above, the Government issued orders for implementing Career Advancement Schemes to the teachers working in the Government / Government Aided Colleges.
On scrutiny of some of the proposals received from Government colleges it is found that Career Advancement of AGP Rs.6000 to Rs.7000 is claimed based on the qualification of M.Phil / Ph.D after entry into service.
In certain cases the individuals who have entered into Government service without M.Phil / Ph.D, subsequently, have obtained their Research Degrees like M.Phil / Ph.D within the stipulated period viz. four and five years / Six years have requested to award CAS of AGP Rs.6000 to Rs.7000/- in four years / five years and on the next date of completion of their Research Degrees.
In this connection, it is stated that in the Government order it is mentioned that CAS of AGP Rs.6000 to Rs.7000/- can be awarded for those teachers who have completed MPhil / Ph.D at the time of entry into service in five years and four years respectively. However, no mention is made about awarding of Career Advancement for the teachers who have entered into Government service without M.Phil / Ph.D but obtained their degrees within five years / four years after entry into service. Likewise some teachers have completed their Research Degrees within five and six years.
It is pertinent to point out that the UGC in its letter 4th cited has clarified as follows
“It is clarified that an Assistant Professor who completes Ph.D or M.Phil. Degree within four or five years from the date of his / her appointment shall also be eligible for moving from the AGP of Rs.6000/- to AGP of Rs.7000/- after completion of four and five years of his / her service respectively. Further, if the incumbent acquires Ph.D / M.Phil after completion of 4 years of service / 5 years of service and before 6 years of service respectively, he / she shall be eligible to move to Stage II (AGP Rs.7000) from the date of award of Ph.D I MPhil degree".
The Joint Directors of Collegiate Education and Principals of Government colleges are requested to act according to the Guidelines issued by the UGC and send proposals to Directorate in cases of Government colleges and to Joint Directorates in case of Government Aided Colleges for awarding Career Advancement, wherever necessary.
The receipt of this letter should be acknowledged immediately.
Director of Collegiate Education
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1. All Officers in Directorate
2. C, D, G, F and I Sections in Directorate