AIFUCTO XXVIII Statutory Conference at Shirdi, Maharashtra between 18-12-2017 and 20-12-2017 - On Duty sanctioned - DCE Proceedings issued
Present: Dr.J. Manjula M.Sc., B.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D.
L.Dis No. 44163/G3/2017, dated: 15.11.2017.
Sub: Collegiate Education — AIFUCTO statutory conference and National Seminar at Shridi, Maharastra - College teachers period of participation - treating as on other duty -orders issued - regarding.
Ref: Letter dated: 03.11.2017 from the Secretary JAC.
The Secretary, JAC, in his letter cited, has stated that AIFUCTO (All India Federation of University and College Teachers Organizations) is organizing its XXIXth statutory conference and National Seminar on the topic "Reforms in Higher Education: Challenges and Opportunities" druing 18th to — 20th December, 2017 at Shirdi Town, Maharastra and also Informed that Eminent Scholars and Educationists are attending the seminar. Hence it has been requested to sanction OD (On other duty) for teachers who are participating in the National Seminar along with the travelling days.
The request of the Secretary, JAC, has been considered. The Director of Collegiate Education accords permission to the Regional Joint Directors of collegiate Education, the Principals of all Government colleges and the Secretaries of the Government Aided colleges concerned to treat the period of participation along with the travelling days of the Teachers concerned in the seminar as "on other duty" subject to the following conditions.
1. The absence from 18.12.2017 to 20.12.2017 along with the travelling days will be treated as on other Duty on production of certificate of participation.
2. No TA/DA will be allowed in this regard.
3. No Expenditure will be incurred from the state Funds.
Director of Collegiate Education
1. The Joint Directors of all Regions.
2. The principals of all Government Arts and Science colleges and colleges of Education.
3. The Secretaries /Pprincipals of All Government Aided colleges
(Through concerned RJD's).
Copy To:
The Secretary, JAC,
AUT Office,
No.134,(Old No.68) Rama lane,