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MUTA – this acronym stands for Madurai Kamaraj, Manonmaniam Sundaranar, Mother Teresa and Alagappa University Teachers’ Association. It is a union of nearly three thousand teachers working in government aided and unaided colleges in Tamilnadu. This organization of teachers in southern Tamilnadu was started in 1970 and registered under the Societies Act in 1972.
MUTA has been championing the cause of higher education in Tamilnadu right from its inception. It has launched many a struggle to improve the status and service conditions of college teachers. Only because of the relentless struggle waged by MUTA, the Government of Tamilnadu enacted the Tamilnadu Private Colleges Regulation Act (1976) that now guarantees statutory protection to the teachers and other employees working in colleges. “All for one and one for all” is the maxim of MUTA and it protects the interest of each and every college teacher. In 1980, MUTA achieved its major demand of direct payment of salary through scheduled banks. Because of this achievement the problem of non-payment and under payment of salary came to an end.
MUTA forged alliance with fraternal organisations like The Tamilnadu Government College Teachers' Association (TNGCTA) and Association of University Teachers (AUT) and formed the Joint Action Council of College Teachers (JAC). It also formed the Federation of College Employees Association (FOCEA) along with Tamilnadu Association of Non-Teaching Staff of Aided Colleges (TANTSAC). MUTA is affiliated to the All India Federation of University and College Teachers’ Organisations (AIFUCTO) and thereby, it is in the mainstream of the national movement.
MUTA has been striving to democratize the college and university governances and it has a long way to go to achieve this goal. The representatives of MUTA are voicing the grievances of students, teachers and the public at large in the university bodies like Academic Council, Senate and Syndicate. MUTA representatives have been playing a crucial role in the university governance also.
MUTA is training its cadres annually in the Cadre Orientation Camps on various issues. Professional ethics, pedagogy, curriculum and syllabus, socio economic issues, national and international politics are some of the topics discussed in the annual camps. MUTA is holding its statutory conference once in two years on themes relevant to higher education.
MUTA is bringing out a magazine, MUTA BULLETIN for its members through its editorial board. It has also brought out booklets on issues pertaining to education. Its ‘Critique on New Education Policy – 1985’ and ‘On GATT Agreement’ have been recognized as important documents.
MUTA is holding coaching programs for the teacher aspirants who take up the NET and SET exams. It is also conducting periodical seminars and hall meetings on all important national issues.